DUI Service

We’ve been providing state licensed outpatient alcohol, drug and DUI counseling and DUI classes since 1981. We are state licensed to provide DUI Evaluations, DUI risk reduction education, outpatient substance abuse treatment, and intensive outpatient (IOP) substance dependency treatment. We work with you on a personalized level to make sure you get what you need.

Secretary of State Uniform Report / DUI Evaluation

  • Minimal Risk requires a client to have only one DUI in a lifetime, registered a BAC of .08 or below, and have no signs/symptoms of alcohol/drug abuse. Minimal Risk recommendations require a 10-hour DUI Risk Reduction Education Class.
  • Moderate Risk requires a client to have only one DUI in a lifetime, BAC .15 to .19 or had refused/failed to complete chemical testing and have up to 1 signs/symptoms of alcohol/drug abuse. Moderate Risk recommendations include a 10-hour DUI Risk Reduction Education Class and 12 hours of “Early Intervention” which is similar to counseling.
  • Significant Risk requires a client to have one or more DUI arrests, a BAC .20 or more, and/or at least 2 to 3 signs/symptoms of alcohol or drug abuse. Significant Risk recommendations include a 10-hour DUI Risk Reduction Education Class, 20 hours of substance abuse counseling, and a continuing care plan (follow up recommendations).
  • High Risk Non-Dependent requires a client to have three or more DUI arrests within 10 years of the most recent DUI arrest and not have signs/symptoms of alcohol/drug dependency. High Risk Non-Dependent requires 75 hours of substance abuse counseling and a continuing care plan.
  • High Risk Alcohol/Drug Dependent would be any client who meets clinical criteria for a diagnosis of alcohol/drug dependency. High Risk Chemical Dependency requires 75 hours of substance abuse counseling and a continuing care plan.